Designer of 'Star Wars' Death Star still calls Boulder home base

Mitchell Byars writing for my local paper, 'The Daily Camera:'

 "While the design for the deadly space station is in the hands of the Empire in the movie, in real life they came from the mind of Cantwell, who was one of the first people George Lucas hired to work on the movie, having been introduced to Lucas after his work on Stanley Kubrick's "2001: A Space Odyssey." "

Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens

In this continuation of the quintessential space opera, we find a forlorn heroine and a lost Stormtrooper on a journey that reconnects them with not only the not-so-distant past, but with the faces and personalities that lead to the Galactic Empires ruin. But there are new enemies rising, and it'll take new heroes to keep them at bay. 

The Force it seems, is not done with this particular part of the Galaxy.

Computer Show brings Contemporary Guests Back in Time

Brilliant. Simply brilliant.

ComputerShow is a beautiful and inspiring throwback. It's the SNL WeekendUpdate of Tech & Geekdom. And in this episode, Angela's facial expressions are laugh-out-loud* hilarious.

*I Don't think LOL would have been a thing for something like a decade after the time in Computer Show's fictional universe.


Respected Scientists See Possible Signs of Alien Structures in Deep Space

 "Scientists — at least, the ones who like to theorize about these things — have long said that an advanced alien civilization would be marked by its ability to harness the energy from its sun (rather than scrabbling over its planet’s resources like us puny earthlings). They envision something like a Dyson Sphere, a hypothetical megastructure first proposed by physicist Freeman Dyson that would orbit or even encompass a star, capturing its power and putting it to use."


It's admittedly a looooooong shot; but the fact that respected scientists are hypothesisizing about advanced extraterrestrial life is surprising and interesting.  

I have a feeling the cause is some as-yet units covered natural phenomenon, which may actually turn out to be *even more* interesting.