The Home of Dwayne D. on the Internet
I'm Dwayne D. The "D" is for De Freitas.** I'm a geek. I focus on the business of tech, I love public policy, I'm a dilettante when it comes to fashion and though I wouldn't call myself a foodie, I do like a nice recipe and relish a good brew. I try to spend a lot of time outdoors.
I still spell the words "Internet" and "Web" with capital "I"s and "W"s because: respect.
You can find me (and my opinions) at a few places on-line.
- I'm a co-host on The Drill Down
- I tweet @dwayned
- A lot of what I do is on LinkedIn
- And I offer commentary on the goings on of technology on these fine websites:
Let me know what you think.
**For some reason I'm constantly forced to clarify the following: De Freitas may be two words but it's only one name. It always contains a space.
If something on this site seems amiss, tweet me @dwayned